EGY XXX a – Python for Statistics, Data Analysis and Econometrics


Course outline (under review)



Part I                   


1         Introduction


1.1      Background

1.2      Conventions

1.3      Essential python scientific packages

1.4      Setup

1.5      Exercises


2         Built-in Data Types


2.1      Variable names and native data types

2.2      Dates & Time


3         Arrays


3.1      Arrays: Single and multi-dimensional

3.2      Array processing

3.3      Importing functions through packages and libraries

3.4      Calling Functions


4         Basic Mathematical operators


4.1      Operators (on scalars and arrays: +, - ,* and /)

4.2      Exponentiation (**)

4.3      Parentheses

4.4      Transpose

4.5      Operator Precedence


5         Basic Functions and Numerical Indexing


5.1      Array functions

5.2      Mathematical functions

5.3      Set functions

5.4      Sorting and extreme values

5.5      ‘Not a number’ (NaN) functions


6         Importing and Exporting Data


6.1      Importing Data using pandas

6.2      Importing Data without pandas

6.3      Saving or Exporting Data using pandas (and without)


7         Logical Operators and Find


7.1      >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=

7.2      and, or, not and xor

7.3      Multiple tests

7.4      is*

8         Flow Control, Loops and Exception Handling


8.1      Whitespace and Flow Control

8.2       if : : : elif : : : else

8.3      for

8.4      while

8.5      try : : : except


9         Creating Function and Modules


9.1      Functions

9.2      Modules


10   Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

10.1  Introduction

10.2  Class basics


11   File System Operations

11.1  Changing the working directory

11.2  Creating and deleting directories

11.3  Listing the contents of a directory

11.4  Copying, moving and deleting files

11.5  Executing other programs

11.6  Creating and opening archives


12    Reading and writing files


13   Graphics

13.1  seaborn library

13.2  2D Plotting

13.3  Advanced 2D Plotting

13.4  3D Plotting

13.5  General Plotting Functions

13.6  Exporting Plots




Part II


14   Statistical data structure - pandas library

14.1  Data structures

14.2  Statistical functions

14.3  Time-series data

14.4  Importing and exporting data

14.5  Graphics


15   Probability and Statistics Functions

15.1  Simulating random variables

15.2  Simulation and random number generation

15.3  Continuous random variables

15.4  Descriptive statistics functions

15.5  Statistical testing


16    Statistical Analysis with – statsmodels library

16.1  Regression

16.2  Simple linear regression

16.3  Multiple linear regression

16.4  Statistical inference

16.5  Diagnostics and testing

16.6  Other models: Generalized linear models, logistic regression